Peace Museum in Ukraine - Музей Миру в Україні




Часи роботи:
Пн - Чт: 10.00 - 19.00
Сб - Нд: 10.00 - 18.00
Пт: санітарний день

Бібліотека ім. Василя Яна
пр. Миру, 13, Київ, 02105

We are the member of INMP since 07.07.2022


Наші друзі:


Memorial meeting dedicated to Oleksandr Minzhulin & presentation of Yuriy Plaksyuk's book "Obsessed Torevt"

The Museum of Peace thanks Yuriy Plaksyuk for the object found and donated to the Museum: visual agitation of 1970 - Poster "Nuclear explosion". Artist Oleksandr Minzhulin, created for the Krasin Tram Depot bomb shelter.