Антитеррористическая операция на востоке Украины

Специальная мониторинговая миссия в Украине

Latest from the Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine - based on information received until 18:00 hrs, 12 May (Kyiv time)

This update is provided for the media and the public.

The situation in Ukraine remained calm with the exception of Donetsk where the situation remained tense.

The situation in Kharkiv was calm.

In Luhansk the situation remained calm. The Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) observed the celebrations regarding the results of the 11 May “referendum” in one of the main squares in Luhansk. Approximately 2,000 persons gathered in Shevchenko square, in front of one of the occupied buildings. No incidents were reported.

In Donetsk region the situation remained volatile. The SMM noticed about 100 Ukrainian military personnel at the Mariupol airport building on the side of the airfield. There were about 4 small trucks at the spot. One was parked very close to the airport building.

In Krasnoarmiysk (75 kilometres northwest of Donetsk), the SMM noticed two checkpoints manned by Ukrainian armed forces; more armoured personal carriers and soldiers were observed. According to the acting Head of the City Police two men were shot dead during the incidents near the City Hall on May 11. On the same day the Police Office in Krasnoarmiysk was attacked by around 20 unidentified armed men, the Police informed the SMM.

In Khartsyzk (20 kilometres east of Donetsk) the SMM observed the occupied city hall, barricades around the main entrance to the building and the “Donetsk People’s Republic” and Russian flags were seen.

Artillery shelling of the northern outskirts of Kramatorsk (105 kilometres north from Donetsk) from beside the Sloviansk TV Tower on 12 May was confirmed to SMM by both the Ukrainian military and Kramatorsk “People’s Militia” (the latter being a group opposed to the central authorities). Damage caused by the shelling was presented to the SMM. It is however impossible to unambiguously identify which side conducted the shelling.

The situation in Dnipropetrovsk remained calm. The SMM learnt about a parallel “referendum/territorial survey” on the unification of Luhansk and Donetsk regions with the Dnipropetrovsk region on 11 May. This “referendum” was scheduled in addition to the other “referenda” on the same date with the aim of checking whether people in Luhansk and Donetsk would support the idea that their regions should join the Dnipropetrovsk region. In addition to that, the aim was also to see whether people in the respective regions supported the “Donetsk People’s Republic” idea. A press conference will be organized on 13 May to announce the final outcome.

In Kherson the general situation remained calm.

In Odesa the situation was assessed as calm. The SMM learnt of plans for talks with a Mediator appointed by the Governor of Odesa. The SMM learnt that several meetings were planned under the auspices of the Governor. Reportedly, the meetings will have different agendas and will include opponents and supporters of the Government.

The western cities of Chernivtsi, Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk were calm.

In Kyiv the situation remained calm.


Антитеррористическая операция на востоке Украины

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